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Meet FIN Tastic Allstar Elisia
Elisia LOVES sharks and is sharing her passion and knowledge with other students at her school in the UK. She even did a project to teach ot
Nov 26, 20193 min read

November Elasmobranch of the Month: Bigeye Sand Tiger Shark
Bigeye Sand Tiger sharks are large, bulky sharks uniformly reddish brown to black in color, reaching lengths of 3.6 m (12 ft). The first dor
Nov 10, 20192 min read

October Elasmobranch of the Month: Greenland shark
Greenland Sharks are large, thick-bodied with short dorsal fins of similar size and no anal fin. Adults average 2.5m to 4.5m (8 to 15 ft) in
Oct 12, 20192 min read

The Sharks of South Africa
Our ambassador Patrik spent the summer volunteering at the Shark and Marine Research Institute. Learn all about the shark research he partic
Sep 28, 20195 min read

September Elasmobranch of the Month: Epaulette shark
This bottom-dwelling shark species prefers shallow water coral reefs. The epaulette is often trapped on rocks and corals when tides recede.
Sep 10, 20192 min read

Meet Biologist Dr. Alistair Dove
Dr. Alistair Dove is a marine biologist from Australia now workings as the director of research and conservation at the Georgia Aquarium.
Aug 28, 20195 min read

August Elasmobranch of the Month: Prickly Dogfish
The Prickly dogfish is one shark that definitely has highly distinguishable features! Most notably is its dorsal fin resembling a sail. The
Aug 27, 20192 min read

Meet Shark Biologist Dr. Jodie Rummer
Jodie is originally from the USA where she completed honours, BSc, and MSc degrees in Biology and Marine Biology in Illinois and West Florid
Aug 21, 20193 min read

Shark Week: Meet Biologist Dr. Misty Paig-Tran
Dr. Misty Paig-Tran is Assistant Professor at California State University Fullerton. Her laboratory (Functional Anatomy, Biomechanics,...
Jul 31, 20194 min read

Meet Sharks4Kids Ambassador Chloe Prayon
Chloe is currently getting her master’s degree in biology at Florida Atlantic University, where she also completed my bachelor’s in biology
Jun 2, 20193 min read

Meet Ms. Woodin's FIN Tastic Allstars
Ms. Woodin's Kindergarten class created an amazing shark museum, including a 17 foot great white shark model.
May 26, 20192 min read

May Elasmobranch of the Month: Bull Shark
Bull sharks have a very stout appearance due to their high body width to length ratio. They also exhibit countershading, which means that th
May 15, 20192 min read

Meet FIN Tastic Allstar Lily
Lily is 13 years old and loves sharks! She recently did a school project, allowing her to teach other students about these amazing animals.
May 7, 20192 min read

March Elasmobranch of the Month: Viper Dogfish
The viper dog fish was first identified in 1986, they are very rare and have been found in the Pacific Ocean off the coasts of Japan, Hawaii
Mar 16, 20191 min read

FEB 2019 Elasmobranch of the Month: Salmon Shark
Our February Elasmobranch of the month is the Salmon Shark. They are a pelagic species of mackerel shark named for the salmon that is part o
Feb 28, 20192 min read

How Old is That Sawshark?
How do you tell how old a shark is? Age determination for fish is a very important part of understanding the life history and conservation.
Feb 13, 20192 min read

FIN tastic Team Interviews: Meet Enie Hensel
I have really enjoyed breaking the standard for who can be a ‘scientist’ and what I do as a scientist. When I visit classrooms, I see some k
Nov 13, 20182 min read

FIN Tastic Team Interviews: Eimear Manning
November 7 marks our five year anniversary, so we though it would be fun to highlight the people who make our program possible! Eimear Manni
Nov 1, 20182 min read

Shark Week: Meet Marine Conservationist Jess Cramp
Jess Cramp is an American shark researcher and marine conservationist. She is passionate about stopping the overexploitation of sharks and t
Jul 28, 20183 min read

April Elasmobranch of the Month: Swell Shark
Learn all about the Swell Shark and it's amazing adaptations! Did you know this shark displays biofluorescence?
Apr 21, 20182 min read
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