"Last school year, Sharks4Kids traveled to my international school in Guatemala and provided age-appropriate and engaging presentations to classes from pre-kinder through high school AP biology. During the visit, they also presented information and footage of shark projects in Bimini during an elementary school assembly. I worked closely with Sharks4Kids during the planning process and they provided me with shark knowledge and resources that I was able to use in my classroom to hook students into the topic of shark conservation. Thank you, Sharks4Kids, for making our second grade conservation unit so meaningful and memorable for my students and all the students of Colegio Maya!"
Emily Fano
Guatemala City, Guatemala

"When I first came up with the idea for SharkCon I wanted to focus on 3 pillars: Conservation, Research, and Education. I wanted to develop a partnership with institutions that represented each of the three pillars. I looked and talked with several organizations which claimed to promote education, but Sharks4Kids was the one that not only spoke about education, but put their focus on education into action. Jillian and her crew are out there weekly engaging school age kids either through on site or Skype presentations, and the kids love it. In addition, they provide the tools for the teachers to continue that education after Sharks4Kids has sparked their curiosity. They are changing the fate of our oceans and the sharks in them by the knowledge they impart one kid at a time. Several of those organizations I talked to had the idea that a partnership was simply to take the funds we help them raise. Sharks4Kids has been a true partner, through collaboration and mutual promotion leading to the greatest number of kids being educated. I can't express enough what a great organization they are and how happy we are to continue to work with them."
Spencer Steward
Tampa, Florida

I discovered Sharks4Kids through Twitter and was intrigued by the name. I immediately contacted them and within a few days we already had multiple Skypes set up for our school! Our students in California were thrilled to hear that they would be coming to their school library (Camp Read Smore) to learn about sharks while Jillian Skyped with us all the way from the Bahamas! In the days preceding our Skype, we became familiar with Sharks4Kids and Jillian by watching some of the amazing videos on their website. The students especially loved the “Fintastic” video on “Norman the Nurse Shark.” We had our own “Shark Week” and each day the students received a fun shark related activity, many of them were downloaded from the Sharks4Kids website. The day of the Skype was incredible! Jillian was able to Skype with all 500 of our students over three different sessions in ONE morning! Each Skype session had about 160 students and each one was as fresh as the first. Jillian had ALL students engaged and listening so intently that you could almost hear a pin drop. They loved it and are still talking about it. Our third graders have decided to use sharks for their persuasive writing unit. They look forward to collaborating with Sharks4Kids. I have to wholeheartedly agree with Jillian when she says that, “Sharks4Kids is creating the next generation of ocean and shark advocates. They have a voice and they will be heard!” Thank you Jillian and Sharks4Kids providing a place where they can do just that."
Kelly Spector
NEW Academy Canoga Park, California
In 2008, after developing curriculum for other organizations and doing classroom visits for friends, I decided to create my own shark education program. In 2012 I got serious about it and Sharks4Kids was born. After a year of developing content with Duncan Brake and Dr. Derek Burkholder, we launched our first website on November 7, 2013. The goal was to provide free online educational materials for teachers and students to help them bring sharks into the classroom. This has evolved tremendously in a short amount of time and we are now offering in person visits, full educational tours, snorkeling trips and shark tagging expeditions. Our team has expanded and our reach continues to grow. From Nov 2013- Dec 2020, we've connected with nearly 155, 000 students in 60 countries and 49 US States through our in person visits and virtual lessons. We are partnering with research groups, conservation organizations and aquariums around the world to create new materials and provide even more opportunities for students. This has been an incredible journey and we are excited for the future. Please feel free to reach out with ideas, comments, suggestions or thoughts.
Jillian Morris-Founder & President