Want to know what it is like swimming with Hammerheads, Reef Sharks, Sting Rays and Lemon Sharks??? Dive In and Self Quarantine underwater with this 360 VR Experience form Sharks4kids in collaboration with FIU. This short teaser is a sample of the full 3.3 and 8 minute VR Sharks4kids experiences that we show at events, schools and outreach programs. Contact us for more information about bringing a Sharks4Kids 360 VR experience to your school or outreach event.
COVID19: (Note - Due to the current Covid19 situation mobile VR outreach headset packs for your school or outreach event will not be available in order to maintain social distancing and safety protocols, we will be reviewing this on a monthly basis).
Enjoy the Video below; make sure you adjust the video quality setting to 4K for best results. You can scroll around on your computer using your mouse or touch screen or play the video on your phone and move your phone around to see the underwater world around you.
SAFETY: Please note that children under the age of 12 should spend limited time on VR experiences and be supervised by an adult. Plus please be aware that the light effects in VR experiences can be a trigger for anyone with epilectic tendencies. If your eyes start to blur or you are experiencing headaches do not use.
The Sharks4Kids virtual dive with sharks experience takes you on an amazing journey through various underwater habitats from the mangroves to the open ocean reefs where you get to dive with and experience what it would be like to be in the water with sharks. From Great Hammerheads to baby lemon sharks, learn what it is like to share their environments!
The VR experiences are designed to last 3 to 8 minutes each and we have a large collection of high end VR headsets (Occulus Go) that displays the 5K footage operated by our trained team.
We also have two shark cage options that can be used at events and outreach events that house the rotating seats for the 360 VR experience and allows it to evolve into a fully immersive encounter with some great photo opportunities for those watching!
For interest in the Sharks4kids VR experience coming to your school, event or outreach project please email: info@sharks4kids.com